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Home / News / How to use a spine board with head immobilizer?

How to use a spine board with head immobilizer?

Views: 276     Author: Professional medical staff     Publish Time: 2022-08-16      Origin: Site

1. Introduction

Spine board is also referred to as spinal board, spine stretcher or plastic stretcher, which is a plastic stretcher which can be used to prevent secondary injury to patients during transportation.

spine boards with head immobilizer is one of the most commonly used spine boards because the patient's head is fixed down by the head immobilizer located at the top of the stretcher to avoid secondary injuries to the injured person during transportation.

spine board with head immobilizer

2. How to use a spine board with head immobilizer?

Using a spine board with a head immobilizer is a crucial step in stabilizing and transporting patients who have suffered a spinal injury.

  • Step 1: Assess the patient's condition. Before moving the patient, ensure that they are stable and that their airway is clear. If possible, have someone hold the patient's head and neck in a neutral position while you prepare to immobilize them.

  • Step 2: Place the spine board beside the patient. Position the board so that it is parallel to the patient's body and level with their shoulders.

  • Step 3: Secure the patient's head and neck. Use the head immobilizer to secure the patient's head and neck to the spine board. Make sure that the straps are tight enough to hold the head and neck in a neutral position, but not so tight that they cause discomfort.

  • Step 4: Secure the patient's body to the spine board. Use straps or other fastening devices to secure the patient's body to the spine board. Make sure that the straps are tight enough to hold the body securely in place, but not so tight that they cause discomfort.

  • Step 5: Transport the patient. Carefully move the patient and the spine board to the destination, such as an ambulance or hospital. Try to minimize movement during transport to prevent further injury.

It's important to note that using a spine board with a head immobilizer should only be done by trained professionals and in emergency situations. And also follow the local protocols and guidelines.

3. The benefits of using a spine board with head immobilizer

The most common type of spine board is a plastic stretcher with a head immobilizer. There are two major problems with using this type of spine board for transport: the stretcher can slip out of the patient’s neck, and the head immobilizer can easily slip out of place.

To overcome these problems, steel alloy steel wire is used to give rigidity to the stretcher and head immobilizer. On top of that, a retaining mechanism (a pad) is fixed in place on the base plate to keep them in place. The head immobilizer uses an acrylic material which has been coated with silicone rubber so it will not slip out when moving. As a result, patients who use this type of spine board with head immobilizer may have no problem during transportation.

The benefits of using this type more than outweighing any risks because the patient does not have to hold the stretcher or identify its position again and again during transport.

the head immobilizer on the spine board

4. The risks of not using a spine board with head immobilizer

Fixed lift board with head immobilizer is used to lift the injured person in a fixed position, while floating rescue board is used to prevent secondary injury at the scene of accident. In both cases, there are two types of spine board: 

  1. spine board stretcher (SPB) 

  2. portable spine board stretcher

The first type can be properly called SPB because it can be easily fitted on an ambulance or other vehicle for transporting patients who have suffered spinal injuries by transporting them by stretcher. The second type is portable spine board stretcher because it can be mounted on any vehicle and can then be used as an alternate method for transporting patients who have suffered spinal injuries by using it as a stretcher or using it as an alternative method for supporting the body weight of patients who have sustained spinal injuries.

But it should be noted that spine board is not suitable for transportation when there are many people or when the injured person has extensive injury on his/her back and other parts of his/her body; therefore, this type of transportation should not be done without considering these factors beforehand. The first step in this regard should be to determine whether this type of transportation will cause only secondary injury or whether there will also be additional significant injury caused by applying more forces than usual during transport; furthermore, one should also consider whether this type of transportation would cause more harm than good (for example, if one wants to carry out some preventive measures). Based on these considerations, one should decide whether one’s purpose would be better served by carrying out such transportation in order to avoid secondary injury or if it would better serve one’s purpose if he/she intentionally uses this transport after assessing these factors (for example, if one wants to carry out some preventive measures).

As we know that transport may cause secondary injury that might even result into life-threatening injuries if they do not use SPB properly or if they do use SPB improperly, it may lead to further damage to the injured area, resulting in missing the best time to save the injured person.

Spine Board(two in One for Adult And Child)

5. Conclusion

The spine board with head Immobilizer from China factory a non-rigid frame, which is basically a frame that allows lifting on both sides. However, the spine board stretcher has several special features compared to other boards or frames that are available, specifically:

  1. It can be used to move patients who have been paralyzed (either temporarily or permanently).

  2. It is able to be used as an emergency stretcher because it has two flat sides instead of one curved side.

  3. It can also easily be moved into an ambulance truck as well as any other vehicle designed for moving patients with spinal injuries (like wheelchairs).

Although these features sound very special, they aren’t actually all that extraordinary; especially when you consider how simple it is to use them — just like how you would use any other stretcher or frame. The thing you need to know about this board is that it does not have wheels, so it needs to be moved by someone else. This makes this board different from some others because it doesn’t need wheels — you just need someone else(s) to push it in place! So what happens when I want to transport a patient? I will take him/her out of his/her bed onto his/her stretcher, put his/her head on the table (the patient’s knees should go under his/her body), put their feet on either side of his/her back and then take hold of each end of his/her head and pull him/her up by one end of the stretcher. This should lift them up above their head. That way I don’t damage their neck at all, unless they are really heavy people who weigh around 200 pounds or so (depending upon how long they have been paralyzed). We usually carry out this process using two people – one person holds down one end of the stretcher while another person pushes up against him/her with his/her hands.

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