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Why is the operating table so narrow?

Views: 352     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-07      Origin: Site

Why is the bed in the operating room so narrow that just one person can lie down? If the patient weighs more, are you not afraid that the patient will fall?

These are questions that perhaps only the medical staff working inside the operating room can answer. Because, if the operating bed is too wide, the surgeon cannot reach the surgical incision. Everyone stretches their arms and strains to reach, not only uncomfortable, but also difficult to ensure the safety of surgery. Therefore, surgical beds all over the world are very narrow.

Modern surgical beds are multifunctional and intelligent electric beds, which are equipment platforms for providing anesthesia and surgery and are about 2 meters long and 0.52 meters wide. The good or bad use of the surgical bed directly affects the process of anesthesia and surgery and the safety of the patient, so there is no need to doubt the safety of the surgical bed when you sleep on it. It is equipped with functions such as adjusting the surgical position, exposing the surgical field, etc. It is in line with the ergonomic design features and the needs of the medical care method, and it is sturdy, reliable, durable and easy to operate.

It is narrow to allow surgeons and assistants to be closer to the patient, making surgical operations easier and less laborious, while allowing more precise exposure of the surgical field and ensuring that the operation can be performed smoothly.

To ensure your safety, the operating room nurse will advise you not to turn over and change positions when you are on the surgical bed and will provide the necessary restraints to avoid the risk of falling out of bed due to turning over. When you need to change your position for anesthesia and surgery, the operating room nurses will inform you and assist you in doing so to ensure your safety. At the same time, the operating room doctors and nurses will be at your side to provide timely assistance.

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