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Home / News / Using a Folding Spine Board for Pediatric Patients - A Guide for Healthcare Professionals

Using a Folding Spine Board for Pediatric Patients - A Guide for Healthcare Professionals

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-04-26      Origin: Site

As a healthcare professional, you strive to provide the best care possible for your patients. However, did you know that pediatric patients are at a higher risk of spinal cord injuries due to their active lifestyle and developing bodies? In fact, according to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, spinal cord injuries affect around 1,500 children every year in the United States alone. That's where using a folding spine board comes in. This essential tool can help ensure the safe transportation of pediatric patients, especially those with suspected spinal injuries.

folding spine board front

Why Use a Folding Spine Board for Pediatric Patients?

Spinal injuries can occur in any patient, including children. In fact, children are at a higher risk of spinal cord injuries due to their active lifestyle and developing bodies. When a pediatric patient has a suspected spinal injury, immobilization is crucial to prevent further damage. A folding spine board is an effective tool that can help healthcare professionals achieve this immobilization, ensuring that the patient is safely transported to the hospital.

How to Use a Folding Spine Board for Pediatric Patients

Using a folding spine board for pediatric patients requires specific techniques and considerations. Here are some steps that healthcare professionals should follow:

Step 1: Evaluate the Patient

Before placing a pediatric patient on a spine board, it's essential to evaluate their condition fully. Assess their level of consciousness, breathing, circulation, and any other injuries they may have sustained. Make sure that the patient's neck is stable and that there are no signs of neurological deficits.

Step 2: Secure the Head

When placing a pediatric patient on a spine board, it's crucial to ensure that their head is stable and secure. Use padding or rolled towels to stabilize the head, and use a chin strap to prevent any movement.

Step 3: Place the Patient on the Spine Board

Carefully lift the patient onto the spine board, keeping their spine in a neutral position. Avoid twisting or bending the spine, as this could cause further injury. Once the patient is on the board, secure them in place using straps or tape, ensuring that they are immobile and stable.

Step 4: Transport the Patient

Once the patient is securely on the spine board, carefully lift and transport them to the ambulance or hospital. During transport, it's essential to monitor the patient's vital signs and ensure that their airway remains clear.


When it comes to pediatric patients, providing the best possible care is crucial. Using a folding spine board is an effective way to immobilize pediatric patients with suspected spinal injuries, ensuring their safety during transport. As a healthcare professional, it's essential to know how to use this tool correctly and safely to provide the best possible care for your patients.

So, if you work in healthcare, take the time to learn about using a folding spine board for pediatric patients. This knowledge could make all the difference in providing the best possible care for your patients.

Don't wait until it's too late. Learn how to use a folding spine board for pediatric patients today!

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